Japanese and Korean accent: diachrony, reconstruction, and typology

An international symposium on Japanese and Korean accent will be held at ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on 2-3 July 2016.


Location: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Room 303

July 2 (Sat)
9:20-9:50 (Registration)
9:50-10:00 (Opening remarks)
Session 1  Chair: Yosuke Igarash
10:00-10:25 Clemens Poppe (NINJAL) "The role of word prosodic structure in the analysis of Japanese and Korean accent systems"
10:25-10:50 Tatsuya Hirako (Komazawa University) "外輪式アクセントに関する幾つかの問題 (Issues on the Gairin type accent)"
10:50-11:05 (Break)
Session 2 Chair:  Clemens Poppe
11:05-11:30 Hyun Kyung Hwang (NINJAL) "Biased questions in Tokyo Japanese and South Kyeongsang Korean"
11:30-11:55 Munsuk Lee (Tokyo University of Science) "韓国語方言のアクセントと頭子音 (Accent in Korean dialects and onset types)"
11:55-1:30 (Lunch)
Session 3  Chair: John Whitman 
1:30-2:10 Haruo Kubozono (NINJAL) "Mora and syllable in the pitch accent system of Koshikijima Japanese"
2:10-2:50 Elisabeth de Boer (Ruhr Universität Bochum) "Universals of tone rules and Japanese"
2:50-3:20 (Coffee break)
Session 4 Chair: Elisabeth de Boer
3:20-4:00 Rei Fukui (The University of Tokyo) "Accent shift in Korean and Japanese"
4:00-5:00 S. Robert Ramsey (Maryland University) "Naturalness and Parsimony in Historical Reconstruction"
5:30-7:30 Reception ( TUFS Daigakukaikan 1F Dining Hall)
July 3 (Sun)
Session 5 Chair: Rei Fukui  
10:00-10:25 Jaehyun Son (Duksung Women’s University) "Accent Types and Their Correspondences in Korean"
10:25-10:50 Akira Utsugi (Nagoya University) "Kyungsang Korean tonal system from the perspective of sentence prosody"
10:50-11:05 (Break)
Session 6 Chair: Haruo Kubozono  
11:00-11:25 Young suk Kang (ILCAA) "韓国語釜山方言における複合動詞のアクセント (Accents of compound verbs in Busan dialect of Korean)"
11:25-12:05 Hyangsook Sohn & Michael Kenstowicz (Kyungpook National University & MIT) "The accent of Korean names"
12:05-1:20 (Lunch)
Session 7 Chair: Timothy J. Vance  
1:20-2:00 Thomas Pellard (French National Centre for Scientific Research) "Typological and historical-comparative perspectives on tone and vowel length in Ryukyuan"
2:00-2:40 Akiko Matsumori (Japan Women’s University) "Reconstruction of the accentual system of Proto-Northern Ryukyuan"
2:40-3:10 (Coffee break)
Session 8 Chair: Thomas Pellard
3:10-3:50 Yosuke Igarashi (Hitotsubashi University) "A unified list of cognate words in Japanese and Ryukyuan for the purpose of historical comparative linguistics"
3:50-4:30 Zendo Uwano (Professor emeritus, The University of Tokyo) "長母音の短縮からアクセント核が生ずるか――服部仮説を巡って―― (On Hattori's hypothesis: Does shortening of long vowels produce an accent kernel?)"
4:30-4:40 (Closing remarks)

ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo