Ito, Chiyuki. (2007a). Chōsen Kanzion Kenkyū [Sino-Korean Phonology]. Tokyo: Kyuko-shoin. Published by Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results. Winner of the 36th Kindaichi Haruhiko Memorial Award (2008). Korean translation version available: Lee, Jin-Ho (2011). Hanguk Hanjaeum Yeongu. Seoul: Youkrack publishing Co.
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Son, Jae-Hyun and Chiyuki Ito. (2016). “The accent of Korean native nouns: North Gyeongsang compared to South Gyeongsang”. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 22.3: 499-532.

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Ito, Chiyuki & Michael Kenstowicz. (2014).
"The Adaptation of Contemporary Japanese Loanwords in Korean." Japanese/Korean Linguistics 22: 3-20.

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Do, Young Ah, Chiyuki Ito and Michael Kenstowicz. (2014).
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Lingua 148: 147-182.

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Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 32: 537-592.

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Ito, Chiyuki & Michael Kenstowicz. (2009b).
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Kang, Yoonjung, Michael Kenstowicz & Chiyuki Ito. (2008). "Hybrid
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Ito, Chiyuki. (2005). "On the Functions of the Sino-Korean Accents".
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Ito, Chiyuki.
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Korean noun paradigms]. Invited talk, The 149th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Nov
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Ito, Chiyuki. "The Accent and Phonological System of Proto-Korean".
Typological and Historical/Comparative Research on the Languages of the
Japanese Archipelago and their Environs (John Whitman), Project meeting,
Jun 27, 2014, the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
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Ito, Chiyuki. "Analogical Change of Verbal Stem Accent in Yanbian
Korean". The 15th [2013] Harvard-ISOKL , Harvard University, August
3-4, 2013.

Ito, Chiyuki.
"Analogical change in progress: accent shift in Yanbian Korean". International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology 2013 (ICPP 2013),
the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL),
January 25-27, 2013.

Kenstowicz, Michael & Chiyuki Ito. "The Adaptation of Contemporary
Japanese Loanwords into Korean". The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics
Conference, Oct 12–14, 2012, the National Institute for Japanese Language
and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tokyo, Japan.

Ito, Chiyuki. "Accentual system of Middle Korean and contemporary
Korean dialects". Typological and Historical/Comparative Research
on the Languages of the Japanese Archipelago and their Environs (John Whitman),
Project meeting, Aug 7, 2012, the National Institute for Japanese Language
and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tokyo, Japan.

Ito, Chiyuki. "Syllable contact phenomena in Yanbian Korean".
The Phonological Society of Japan, Spring meeting, Jun 15, 2012.

Ito, Chiyuki. "A Sociophonetic Study of the Ternary Laryngeal Contrast in Yanbian Korean". The 324th Regular Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Aichi Shukutoku University, Mar 17, 2012.

Ito, Chiyuki. "Emergence of the OCP: A case study of compound tensification
in Yanbian Korean". The 7th International Workshop on Theoretical
East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-7), Hiroshima University, Feb 18, 2012.